Dog Was Separated For Years From His Family, Watch What Happens Next!

19-01-2016 08-31-21 م Being apart and separated from the ones you truly love is a hard thing to bear! No one ever would be happy to live that feeling. This is a kind of burden that is extremely hard to live. You don't know whether to give up hope of ever seeing them again or keep on waiting and wishing to meet them again. For me I would never give up on hope to see and reunite the people I love the most and this is the same for me if one of my pets gone missing! Sadly, this sad and frustrating story has happened with a dog. He had the worst experience ever in his life to be separated and apart from the family he loved the most and for Five years! Lost_Dog_Rescued_Reunited_with_Family The Humane Society of the United States was doing the best they can do to help authorities rescuing about 200 dogs and cats from extreme neglect in rural Adams County, Ohio. Like any other no-kill shelter, The Humane Society of the US is helping so many animals that needed homes or medical care, but there was still one dog out there stuck and needed help: a chocolate Labrador that was chained to the front of the property. The Chocolate Labrador was tangled in his chain and a deer carcass, which was probably his only source of food. The poor dog seemed so devastated! Lost_Dog_Rescued_Reunited_with_Family (1) Luckily, The Humane Society scanned him for a microchip to find any information and they were surprised to find that his name is Chuckie and he his family had been missing and looking for him for five years ago! The happy ending and the best part is watching Chuckie is reunited again with his loving family! None of Chuckie nor his family gave up of this reunion till it came true! Share Chuckie's story with your family and friends If you are happy he is safe and home now!