Dog Was Abandoned By His Owner Now Watch What Happens Next When An 83-year-old-woman Sees Him!

21-03-2016 06-27-33 م This is a heartbreaking story about a dog named Tut. The owners were evicted three months ago and they left their dog behind all alone waiting for them to return. They just left their dog behind with no food or water! Until one day Ginger Lucas an 83-year-old woman appeared in the scene. She may be too old and suffers from osteoporosis but she wouldn't leave an abandoned dog to stay alone in the neighborhood. Lucas decided to take action and take care of the Pit Bull/Brindle mix dog and she was his life's savior. She might be too old but she has an ever green heart that's full of youth and kindness. “I treat the animals like if I was a dog, I’d want to be treated,” Lucas told ABC Action News. Lucas has been taking care and showering Tut with her love, compassion and kindness. She feeds him and she has even built him a doghouse with some furniture she found in the backyard. “Sometimes he’ll pull my skirt and he’ll want me to scratch him,” she said with a smile on her face. “And he’s always kissing me.” Without Lucas' help, Tut might not survived. Lucas won't be able to take care of Tut because of her health condition. So he will need to find a forever home so soon! “My legs are giving out. I won’t be able to stand on them pretty soon,” she said. The adorable old woman hopes he will find a home in a short time because she will not be able to take care of him for too long. “I am going to be sad when he goes,” she added while fighting back tears. “But I can’t keep him.” Watch the video for the full story below, and share it with your family and friends!