Dog Wants A Kiss From Unusual Friends. Now Watch Their Astonishing Reaction!

Many people take the idea of "dogs and cats do not get along together" as an absolute fact. However, while the relationship between both species can get truly complicated, sometimes these adorable creatures can just show us that this idea may be so far from the truth! The photos and video below are unbelievably shocking! At Tala Manzi game reserve in South Africa, this adorable pup seems to be enjoying her stay with her friends. While the video below shows how the dog and the two big cats are close and understanding, we are not used to see LIONS that friendly! Besides, they are adults and look huge already! Petsfans 0056 - 3 Screenshot: You Tube At this park, some wild animals, such as these adorable lions, are kept away from the hands of poachers. They are raised in small groups within limited areas until they grow big and strong enough to roam wider lands freely. Petsfans 0056 - 2 Screenshot: You Tube It turned out that this trio of friends has been all raised together since they were all babies. While the days of the little puppy with the defenseless little cubs have already become a far memory, they two friendly lions seem to be always remembering this pup as their beloved dog sister. Petsfans 0056 - 1 Screenshot: You Tube Adult lions have the capability to chase and hunt large wild animals. They can even kill animals much larger than themselves! This is why it is strange and unexpected to see pups getting along with such ferocious huge cats! Watch the video below, and let us know in comments if you have ever seen a similar relationship. Please SHARE this unbelievable video if you believe different animal species can be friends.   Via Little Things