Top 10 dog training books every dog owner should read

Dog training books, If you are a dog educator, trainer or simply live with dogs you will surely like to read and learn about their language, their behavior and even go a little deeper into how they think or how they perceive the world.

Dog Training Books

Educate your dog is a process that requires perseverance, motivation, patience and above all acquire the right knowledge.

To educate a dog correctly is necessary to understand the language of dogs, their way of communicating and their way of behaving.

Fortunately, we can learn all this thanks to the huge number of books we can find in the market.

Best Dog Training Books & Best Puppy Training Book

When you have a dog, you take responsibility for its welfare and safety. The dog will have to live in our world and adapt to our standards, and it is essential that it be balanced and able to control its actions.

Even if you do not want a dog that responds to anything you think of as a robot, it does need to respond to certain commands, such as coming immediately to your call, walking by your side without pulling on the leash or remaining calm in any situation. Also, it is important that you acquire certain notions of dogs ethology, in order to understand their behavior from a biological and psychological point of view.

Top 10 dog training books every dog owner should read

  1. Training the Best Dog Ever
    Authored by Dawn Sylvia-Stasiewicz and Larry Kay
Dog Training Books

2. Perfect Puppy in 7 Days
Authored by renowned pet behaviorist late Dr. Sophia Yin

Dog Training Books

3. Zak George's Dog Training Revolution
Authored by Zak George and Dina Roth Port.

Dog Training Books

4. The Power of Positive Dog Training
Written by famous dog trainer Pat Miller.

Dog Training Books

5. Before and After Getting Your Puppy
Authored by globally renowned Dr. Ian Dunbar.

Dog Training Books

6. How to Raise the Perfect Dog: Through Puppyhood and Beyond
Authored by Cesar Millan and Melissa Jo Peltier.

Dog Training Books

7. The Other End of the Leash
Authored by Dr. Patricia B. McConnell.

Dog Training Books

8. Puppy Training for Kids
Authored by Colleen Pelar.

Dog Training Books

9. Team Dog: How to Train Your Dog--the Navy SEAL Way
Authored by Mike Ritland.

Dog Training Books

10.The Art of Raising a Puppy
Abridged by the Monks of New Skete

Dog Training Books

What Dog Training Books Should I Have

There are so many books in the market about dog training and the study of their behavior that it is difficult to establish which are the best. You should get an assortment of books that talk about the breed of your dog in particular, as well as other good examples of dog ethology and training. As you get into the fascinating world of dogs, you will learn to select the ones you like the most, your library will increase and you will learn many things.

dog training books , Do not forget to go to a professional trainer in case you need help to educate your dog correctly.

Dog Training Techniques

Although there are many dog training techniques, all of them can be classified into two major categories: dog training techniques based on theories of learning and dogs training techniques based on dogs ethology.  

The techniques based on the theories of learning focus on the modification of dog behaviors, giving less relevance to the typical behavior of the dog's species. On the other hand, the techniques based on dogs ethology concentrate on the natural behavior typical of dogs, prioritizing the establishment of hierarchies of dominance and giving less importance to the theories of learning.

Techniques that include violence and mistreatment of the dog should not be admitted, or even considered, in modern dogs training techniques. Acting deliberately against the welfare of our dog can bring us very serious consequences.

How do you positively educate the dog? Five steps to achieve it

The education of the dog is fundamental to achieve a smooth coexistence at home. Positive education is based on motivating and reinforcing the dog with prizes to achieve it. In this way, punishments are banished. This article offers five guidelines for practicing positive education with the dog, from using the prizes and forgetting the punishments to being constant and patient.

Dog Training Books

Positive Dog Training

The positive education of the dog avoids traumas for the animal derived from the punishments, which create frustration and tension with their owners. Its foundation is to favor the animal's proper behaviors and reward them with positive stimuli, such as food, caresses and verbal congratulations.

Positive education must start from when the dog is a puppy to create the foundations of learning by the stimulus-response model. That is to say, the dog is motivated with positive experiences and rewards so that he repeats certain behaviors, such as not getting on the bed or doing his necessities during the hour of the walk.

Dog Training Tips

The guidelines to educate the dog in positive pass through 3 fundamental premises.

1. Educate the dog in positive: reinforcements

The process of education of a dog is sometimes more satisfactory than in others. The animal can be more motivated and obedient with certain aspects of education than with others that are more complicated.

The positive education of the dog offers prominence to their proper behaviors. That is to say, the owner stimulates the animal when it obeys, as in the case that it is intended that the dog does not compulsively bark or destroy the house when it is alone.

In this case, when the owners return home and the dog has not damaged the furniture - and be calm - it will be time to reward and congratulate him so that he understands that this is what is expected of him.

2. Educate the dog with prizes

The result of positive education with the dog is proportional to the motivation that the dog has with the prizes that its owners offer when their behavior is appropriate.

Therefore, it is advisable to discover what the animal likes best. For gluttonous dogs it can be a small gastronomic delight (homemade biscuit), in the case of the athletes go out for a long walk, for the cuddly ones a good dose of caresses and for the coquettish ones a brushing of hair.

It is a matter of discovering what gives the dog the most pleasure to offer it as a reward when it behaves appropriately.

 3. Constancy, coherence and patience to educate in positive

The owners of the dog must be consistent and consistent when it comes to educating the dog. The absence of a prize when the dog obeys the guidelines of its owners is incompatible with positive education. If the animal receives its motivation intermittently the dog's response will be inconstant.

The guidelines and limits that are marked to the dog must be coherent, and it is advisable to avoid the changes of opinion. That is to say, if from the beginning it is marked as a guideline to avoid entering a room or area of the house it is convenient to keep it.

The patients with the dog to comply with the rules that are marked at home is advisable to avoid discouragement and incoherence from the owner. The educational process of the dog takes time and the results are obtained with consistency and consistency.

Dog Training Books

Puppy Obedience Training

For successful training, practice following a series of basic steps with your puppy on a daily basis. The training sessions should be short. Your puppy will see everything as a game, so it is advisable to keep it stimulated by changing what you learn. Practice each order for about five minutes, and repeat it again when you can.

Practice the orders in different places, like in the living room, in the garden, the entrance or the kitchen, or even during the walks. In this way, you can accustom yourself to respond in any kind of situations. You can use the click technique to help with other aspects of your puppy's training, such as motivating him to stand while brushing him or getting used to traveling in the car.

Your puppy will learn very fast and will respond to the love and pampering as well as to the prizes. The obedience training will help you strengthen your bond and reward you with a very happy and well trained pet.