Dog Left Outside Store With Only A Few Hours To Live, Finally Gets Justice!!

980x A man who pretended he was taking a dog into an animal shelter, bound him with electrical tape instead; will spend the next couple of years in a federal prison! An Ontario court head, Michael Hill of Windsor, charged a couple $60 and promised to take the dog to a local shelter. The dog's original owners were unable to keep him, according to testimony, because of their new born daughter who was allergic to animal fur. gb The dog's name has been changed to Justice. He was found with his legs and muzzle violently bound and left in a field behind a Canadian tire Store. Last December, the man who first found the dog said: "I saw the little head poke up. That's when I saw the little dog," Vets said the unfortunate dog wouldn't have survived if left for a little while longer! "There is no other way to describe this act; it's a despicable act of depravity," assistant prosecutor, Craig Houle, told the court on Monday. sd Besides the prison sentence, Hill was given three year probation and a 25-year ban from owning or living with animals. Hill's case has been influenced by strong social media campaigns against what he had done to the poor dog.  These social media campaigns led the fight after the story was first published! An online petition demanding justice had more than 60.000 signatures. Furthermore, some of the social media campaigns were spread with dozens of animal welfare advocates showing up in court and showering Hill with insults. bv "Michael confessed right from the very beginning," his lawyer Ahmad Ammar told reporters outside the courthouse,  "It's something he wanted to get behind him. He recognized that he did something that he shouldn't have done." "The wounds to his muzzle are healing well, and they're definitely not holding him back from claiming every stuffed toy he can find for his own," the Windsor/Essex County Humane Society wrote in a post on Facebook. Finally, he will be waiting for a real forever home! Share this story with your family and friends!