Dog Spent Her Entire Life In A Cage Gets The Most Amazing Bucket List Adventure

jada-4 Christine McNeely the Humane CNY shelter director received a call from a good Samaritan telling her about an emaciated dog in a cage in the basement of a home, she rushed right away to help the poor dog. The tipster said the female dog and her son were both emaciated and did not have food or water. Upon hearing the news, McNeely contacted the Syracuse Police Department, who went to investigate. jada-1 They found that Jada, the Pit Bull dog mother with her son, Sonny were living in a very poor condition. So they quickly took the dogs and charged their owners with animal cruelty. Jada was taken to the veterinary medical center of CNY early in January, sadly it was crystal clear that Jada would not be able to survive more than a few more days. jada-3 The Veterinary Medical Center wrote: “Jada was emaciated, weak, filthy, covered in scars and lumps, and was 1000% sweet,” The staff of Veterinary Medical Center started to give her lots and lots of TLC. After some hard days at the first, she soon began to relax and “bonded very quickly with her caregivers” who made sure she got lots of snuggling and attention.” jada-5 They kept providing her with the necessary medical treatment and kept running tests on her lumps and what they found was not good at all! “Today it was discovered that she has cancer which has unfortunately spread into her lungs,” Humane CNY wrote on January 21st. “Because of this; our plan of action for Jada has switched gears.” Jada most likely has a few more months until she will sadly succumb to the aggressive cancer. jada-2 They thought that Jada would recover with them and would be put for adoption like any other rescue dog, but they made up their minds to seek a hospice home “where she will know what it is to be in a loving home”. jada-11 “Due to her age, her poor condition from being starved and medically neglected there is nothing at this point that can be done for her other than to keep her comfortable in her last days.” They said nothing they could do, but they decided to do more and created “Jada’s Bucket List”. jada-9 She got a ride on a fire truck and put on a firefighter uniform! That's not all!  January 27th, was proclaimed "Jada the dog Day" in Onondaga County. “As sad as Jada’s story is we have seen an entire community come together and take notice that we have an issue with animal cruelty and neglect in Central New York,” writes Humane CNY. “If Jada’s story helps just one animal our journey becomes one of purpose!”  
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">What a morning we had with Jada helping cross off items on her bucket list! Check Jada out riding in a Syracuse Police... Posted by NewsChannel 9 on ">Tuesday, January 26, 2016
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