A Dog Is So Depressed After A Failed Adoption, This Is All He Does Now!

23-03-2016 05-50-39 م A rescue dog is now spending his days doing only one thing, staring at the blank wall, after his adopters changed their minds at the last minute. Photos of March, a Pit Bull mix, show the dog suffering from deep depression. I don't know what he feels I only can imagine his pain and disappointment. His mental condition is extremely heartbreaking and it is clearly a sign of a deeply depressed animal. It is hard to imagine how much disappointment and pain he must have suffered to develop such behavior. Living in animal rescue shelter ACCT in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, since he was taken as a stray. The 58 lbs dog was eventually about to get his happy ending and get his forever home. But at the very last minute, his new family changed their minds and March was taken back to the shelter!  This broke my heart! Since then, the dog has spent his days facing and staring at the blank grey wall in his kennel and lost interest in everything that's around him. One can see the sorrow he feels through his sad eyes. dog2 Fox News reporter Dawn Timmeney, who witnessed March’s dejection first hand, posted on Facebook : “This boy thought he was about to embark on a better life, only to be returned to the scary Philadelphia city shelter. “Sadly, he has barely gotten any notice, and he is getting depressed and sick now.  “He was such a happy boy, but shelter life is taking a toll on him.” March is described as a handsome dog by all the volunteers at the shelter. Now, a fund has been set up to find him a forever home, for real this time, and give him the happy ending that he in a desperate need of. Already raising $709 in just over a day, organizers hope this will boost March's opportunity to find a home so soon! Share his story with your family and friends and help the sad dog! via independent.co.uk