Dog Accidentally Buried Alive, Never Give Up Asking For Help

The life of Maverick, 12-year-old German Shepherd, has been very tough. His life was getting worse since he was abandoned, hit by a car and then caught in a raccoon trap! Maverick probably thought his suffering came to an end, and he would finally get rid of all of his problems if he finally finds a forever home.  He found his home but sadly his suffering didn't come to an end due to an unfortunate accident! His life got even worse when he fell into a sinkhole!! 12647416_10205768211060288_7854787357486911048_n The whole story happened when Maverick went outside to use the bathroom, like usual, at his new home in Missouri late last month. Sadly, this was an unusual day because he never came back home. Somehow, he managed to break his invisible fence and fall into a sinkhole that was hidden on the side of the road. What was far beyond WORSE was the fact that Maverick accidentally buried himself alive! Maverick's family searched for him, non-stop, for three days in vain. They were worried he might have fallen into the lake near their home and drowned. There were only assumptions where would he might be, Until his owner Lisa Van Valkenburg, heard his cries for help! 12645077_10205768211820307_3655708892906732405_n "I had to go look one more time and heard a faint howl," Van Valkenburgh wrote on a Facebook post. "5 ft down and underground there was my little old man." When his family discovered what had happened to him, they tried their best to save him but they were threatened by the potential collapse of the sinkhole! "He must have stepped on it went in hind quarters first but the more he moved the more he sunk in," Van Valkenburgh wrote. Finally, with some assistance of the local fire department, Maverick was pulled up after a rescue mission that took two hours! Maverick never gave up hope! After pulling him up and taking him to safety, he was rushed to the vet for a check up.  The senior high spirited dog, survived with only minor injuries. 12651012_10205768211980311_6791855191309145622_n "One week ago today we found Maverick, wow amazing what an amazing week!" Van Valkenburgh wrote on Saturday. "He is doing great, eating, playing, back to his little defiant self love my boy! Thank you everyone for all your kind words and prayers." Share this amazing rescue of the high spirited dog with your family and friends!