Do Dogs Lose Teeth: What You Should Know.

Do dogs lose teeth, Puppies change their teeth, just as people do when they move from our deciduous teeth to the definitive one. But there are also other reasons for the fall of teeth in dogs.

Do Dogs Lose Teeth

Do dogs lose teeth

Do dogs lose teeth, Dogs change their teeth, just like people, In the transition from the puppy to the adult stage, the deciduous teeth give place to the permanent teeth, the definitive teeth that will accompany the dog during the rest of its life.

The puppies are born without teeth (although some exception can occur) and about four weeks of life the first deciduous teeth begin to emerge.

Keep in mind that there is not a single moment to describe when teeth change dogs because it varies greatly depending on each race and individual. Small dogs usually have slower development and, therefore, the appearance of the first deciduous teeth is later. So is the change to adult teeth.

Do Dogs Lose Teeth

Is it normal for puppies to lose teeth

Deciduous teeth are small and sharp, like needles. That's why, when a puppy bites our hands, it hurts us so much.

The first teeth to appear are the canines or upper fangs, which appear at three or four weeks, along with some premolars. The incisors appear later.

Do dogs lose teeth, It does so to avoid discomfort in the breasts and as part of the natural process of development.

Do Dogs Lose Baby Teeth

Do dogs lose teeth, More or less after three and a half months, the change of dentition starts and the dogs lose their first deciduous teeth.

By seven or eight months, dogs usually have their teeth completely changed. But, as we said, this process varies according to each dog and its rate of development.

Other reasons why dogs lose their teeth

Poor oral hygiene can seriously affect the oral health of a dog and can even cause the fall of some teeth.

The mouth of a dog is an alkaline environment that favors the accumulation of bacterial plaque and tartar.

Tartar is the cause of most dogs' oral problems because the accumulation of bacteria it contains can be a source of infections.

Do dogs lose teeth, When a dog does not maintain correct oral hygiene throughout its life or is fed with inadequate products that favor the accumulation of plaque and tartar, it can suffer what is called periodontal disease (an infectious disease caused by bacteria present in the mouth). This infection, if not controlled, can cause the deterioration of some teeth and become one of the reasons why dogs lose their teeth.

80% of dogs show signs of this disease at the age of three. That is why prevention through good daily brushing and the use of dental snacks as a method to maintain a healthy mouth is crucial since the dog changes teeth.

Do Dogs Lose Teeth

Permanent teeth

Do dogs lose teeth, After four months, the puppies begin the change for those who will have their whole lives.

Stockings, slippers, shoes and even furniture. The puppies put their teeth into anything and they do not do it because they are foolish and capricious, but because they are exploring the world, and in the process, they calm the discomfort that can be causing the teeth to come out, first those of milk and then the definitive ones.

By the fourth week of birth, the process of tooth eruption usually begins, with no apparent symptoms. "Maybe they feel some kind of pain, but dogs have a very high threshold of tolerance so they do not show it,"

Deciduous Teeth

That first dentition takes about a month or so to complete from 28 to 32 pieces, between incisors, canines and some premolars and molars.

Do Dogs Lose Teeth

Dog's Teeth

These deciduous teeth are sharp, thin and not very resistant. And they do not last so long: around the fourth month - it may be a little before or a little later - they begin to change them for the definitive ones. These are darker, thicker, stronger and are not as sharp as those that are falling.

They initially leave the incisors, then the premolars, then the canines and molars until completing 42 pieces for a perfect denture.

Therefore, throughout this period, they should have strong toys, which can bite to calm the discomfort and thus prevent them from putting their loads on shoes and furniture.

Do dogs lose teeth, "Avoid small toys, tennis balls and anything that can destroy so they do not swallow foreign bodies that can cause intestinal obstruction,"

How many teeth does a dog have -? adults dogs

Puppies dogs have 28 teeth, of milk. Six of them are incisors, two canines and six premolars (above and below).

In contrast, an adult dog has 42 teeth: six incisors, two canines, eight premolars (in the lower jaw and in the upper jaw), four molars in the upper jaw and six in the lower jaw.

The dogs change the teeth to move from the puppy teeth to the definitive one, which they will have throughout their adult life.

Do Dogs Lose Teeth
Puppy bites hand

Canine Teeth

Types of teeth in the dog

Do dogs lose teeth ,There are four types of teeth; incisors, canines, premolars and molars. The incisors and canines, or also called fangs, serve to tear, grab and tear. The premolars and molars to cut and grind.

Development of the dog's teeth

The first teeth to erupt are the canines, followed by the incisors and premolars. The molars are directly the definitive ones and the last ones to leave around 4 months of age. The largest and most potent teeth in dogs are the so-called "carniceras teeth" that are found at the end of the gum.

Around three or four months the fall begins and the denture of the primary dog ​​is replaced by the permanent one. The incisors appear approximately over 3-4 months, followed by the canines over 4 months and the premolars over the 6 months of life.

Do dogs lose teeth ,the final teeth erupt before the milk teeth fall, therefore they do not let the provisionals fall, producing a double dentition. These are called persistent teeth and usually pass in canines and incisors. If at the end of the entire procedure they have not fallen, we should take our puppy to the veterinarian to have a revision of the denture and evaluate the problem. The double dentition causes dental malocclusion, crowding, tartar problems and bad odor.

Therefore, by seven or eight months, our puppy will have finished the teething process, moving from the 28 children's pieces to the 42 of the adult dog's teeth.

Do Dogs Lose Teeth

What are plaque and tartar?

Bacterial plaque is called an accumulation of bacteria that adhere to the walls of the teeth building a yellowish-white film. It forms in a few hours and, if it is not removed, it ends up transforming into tartar.

The tartar appears when the bacterial plaque persists for too long on the surface of the teeth, hardens and calcifies. The tartar is dark yellow or brown and is much harder to remove than plaque.

Dental care

Do dogs lose teeth, Without good dental hygiene, bacterial plaque will appear as the dog ages. The proper cleaning of your pet's teeth is essential to avoid problems of bad breath (halitosis), inflammation and pain of gums or difficulties to eat.

A deficient oral toilet in the dog can degenerate even in more serious diseases that affect organs like the kidney, the heart or the liver. Prevention is the best weapon for the animal to reach old age with healthy teeth and gums.