DIY: Create An Amazing Cat Tent For Your Beloved Pet

8-29-2015 2-05-43 AM We all know that cats mostly love to sit in closed or hidden spaces, once they see a box in front of them; they will stay inside of it all day. So why not create an adorable tent for our cat pet? It's easy, and it's all from materials that you will find easily in your home, it's also an amazing way to surprise your cat today, cats love gifts too. So let's start, first prepare those: 1-A medium sized t-shirt. 2-15x15 card board piece. 3-Two wire hangers. 4-A pair of pliers. 5-Pins. 6-Tape 8-29-2015 2-06-30 AM Step 1: Now start to cut off the edgy parts of the hanger 8-29-2015 2-07-12 AM Step 2: Shape the hangers so they take the shape of an arc 8-29-2015 2-07-47 AM Step 3: Prepare the cardboard and tape its edges so it would be more strong. 8-29-2015 2-08-57 AM Step 4: Make a hole in the four corners of the cardboard 8-29-2015 2-09-32 AM Step 5: Cross the hangers together and make sure that it reaches the four holes equally, also to make it stronger, tape them all together from the middle. 8-29-2015 2-10-30 AM Step 6: Bend the bottom of the hanger and tape it so it would be smooth so it won't sange the t-shirt that we will add. 8-29-2015 2-11-11 AM 8-29-2015 2-11-22 AM Step 7: This is the final look before adding the t-shirt. 8-29-2015 2-12-30 AM Step 8: Put the shirt over and position it right so the neck opening of the shirt would be in the front middle so your cat would enter her tent from it. The shirt should be tight around the hangers so you can use the pins to tighten it! 8-29-2015 2-13-11 AM 8-29-2015 2-13-46 AM Doesn't it look amazing? I am totally in love with it! I am sure that your cat will like it too, now go prepare it and if you think it'seasy; share it with all the cat owners that you know. Source: