Desperate Dog Steps On A Man's Doorstep Asking For Help!

21-03-2016 02-30-48 م This is the story about a dog in terrible condition. The dog showed up on a doorstep of a man's home in Brownsville, Texas desperately asking for help. Thank god, he chose the perfect house! As soon as the house's owner, Dan Van Coppenolle saw the dog he right away posted a photo to Facebook on November 7, 2015 requesting the attention of his friends of animal lovers. “Help! This dog showed up at our home near Rio Del Sol area this morning,” Dan wrote. “He has a collar with no tags and is in bad shape. Very weak and hungry.” update-dog-2 The dog obviously had severe mange and he was totally emaciated and starving. Thankfully, Dan's post has gone viral among the animal lovers who were extremely angry and sad to see an innocent soul in that horrible situation. After a while, Dan had good news to share: the dog has found a rescuer! “Thank you all for your compassion,” Dan wrote in a subsequent post. “A kind woman who fosters unhealthy dogs just came to pick up this beautiful dog. You could tell that he was tiger-striped and his ears were clipped and was probably used for dog fighting. God is looking out for this beautiful dog.” update-dog A friend of the foster caregivers posted a photo of the dog after he had a warm bath and was cleaned up. The dog is now under the care and supervision of a well-experienced rehabilitator and was taken to be checked by a vet. Optimistically, in the coming few months, after the dog has enough time to recover, he will be put for adoption so soon to find his real forever home! Share his story with your family and friends!