Cop spends 10 minutes in a hot car to teach parents a lesson!

With summer quickly approaching, people all over the country think of one thing: warm weather. Actually, almost nobody can resist the idea of spending a sunny beautiful day and enjoying some fresh air. With many good things that come with the sunny weather of summer, some crucial precautions must be considered to ensure that everybody is happy and safe during summer. Petsfans 0044 - 1 Scroll down to find out more details about this interesting story! Most people would have the basics covered, such as wearing sunglasses and using sunscreen. However, there is one thing that can easily slip leaving children or pets in the car. Although many people think it is safe to leave children or pets in the car for few minutes while going into the grocery store, it is actually dangerous, as only 10 minutes in a hot car can lead to an emergency situation, especially for a pet or a child. Petsfans 0044 - 3 In Louisiana, a few officers decided to perform an experiment to prove this point to the folks. When an officer volunteered to stay in parked car for only 10 minutes, all viewers could see how brutal sitting in a hot car can be. Without air-conditioning, it became clear within few minutes that even leaving someone in this condition while going into a store could lead to truly serious consequences. Petsfans 0044 - 4 Scroll down to watch how the officer's experience went in the video below! If you think this awareness message is worth spreading, please SHARE this video with all your friends and family on Facebook, so that they do not leave their children or pets in their cars! Via Little Things