Cat Rides 8 Miles In A Car Bumper And Acts So Normally

As a matter of fact, travelling for miles trapped in the front of a moving car is a terrifying experience. That would be the normal feeling for most of us, but not for Gnocchi, a fearless cat who considered this terrifying experience just another normal day! On Friday, San Diego Animal Services published this astonishing story of the 5-year-old fearless Siamese cat, who spent about 8 miles on the road, trapped in the front of a moving car, stuck in the front of a bumper of a parked car and left the place completely safe. Officials say the woman driving the moving car was totally unaware of her trapped guest until a few good people noticed it and moved it down. Fortunately, the witnesses could somehow get and right away freed the trapped cat. After the animal control officers arrived to the scene, they scanned the cat's microchip and they reunited Gnocchi back with his owner who is the neighbor of the car's owner. dcvss If you are wondering about how is the cat doing now? well, he is just relaxing! "Amazingly, the cat is fine!" wrote County of San Diego Department of Animal Services on their page on Facebook,  "Seeing him at his house today, he acts like nothing ever happened." The unusual incident plays a good role to remind us that it is a good idea to check on the hoods of cars parked outside especially if you live in the same neighborhood where cool and fearless cats, like Gnocchi, live. Have you ever witnessed an incident like this one? Have you ever met a fearless and cool cat as Gnocchi? If yes, leave us a comment on Facebook telling us the story. Don't forget to share with your family and friends! Via The Dodo