A Cat Gets Shot In The Head With An Arrow, Makes A Great Recovery

One morning, in Birmingham, England,  when Lionel's family let him out to play, they thought he would come back as safe as every time he did.  They never thought he would be exposed to any type of danger, they assumed he would have a good time playing around and enjoying his freedom, as usual. The family didn't realize what was happening to their beloved friend, until one of the neighbors alerted them that something bad was going on! Lionel was roaming around in pain, when an arrow penetrated his little head! Thankfully, he was still alive and could survive the terrible shot, but he was in sever pain! Lionel was rushed to a veterinary right away! Lionel's, heartbroken and shocked, family rushed him to the Lydon Veterinary Center, where vets checked him and said that the arrow could be removed, thankfully! 12631547_10153227072371930_1057959968684946144_n "This is one of the worst cases of cruelty I have seen, a cat 'shot' with an arrow," Rory Lydon, owner of the vet practice,  expressed on the practice's Facebook page. An X-ray showed the course of the arrow through Lionel's head. "If the arrow had hit only slightly lower or gone through his eye, Lionel would have died" The high spirited cat survived the surgery, and was sent home again with his loving family to have some rest and to recover in the comfort of his own home. No one really knows who did that to the helpless and innocent cat! "Please circulate this post as the person who fired the arrow needs to be caught and prosecuted," Lydon wrote. 12662550_10153227072416930_1547833578489174238_n Unfortunately, Lionel is not the first cat to be exposed to this kind of cruelty! If you have any further information about who may have shot the arrow through Lionel's head, please contact the Lydon Veterinary Center. and don't forget to share with your family and friends!