Cat and turtle playing together, and they are adorable.

3-12-2015 4-05-03 PM It seems that this is the first meeting between this cat and her turtle friend, can it be? Well, we know that it happens in the animals' world, relationships don't care about the size or the type, and it comes in all shapes and sizes. In this video, the new friends are chasing each other. They love playing together, they are chasing each other, the cat is trying to catch the turtle and so does the turtle; it's trying to catch the cat. In some parts, the cat slows down to catch the turtle, and when she did, the turtle turned around, like saying "What did you just do, you think you will catch me?" well, stay playful guys. 3-12-2015 4-05-29 PM Turtles are cute; some people take turtles as a pet which is illegal in some countries to have a turtle pet. It’s easy to take care of a turtle pet. Before owning one you have to read a lot about turtles, it’s very important to prepare a suitable place for her. It’s good to know that turtles don’t eat every day. Feed your pet each 3 or 4 days. Don’t get near the turtles mouth while you are feeding it. Read about the turtles feeding and choose right types of food for your turtle, and it’s very important to cut it in a small pieces, in the size of the turtle bite. Read about how you can raise one. The baby turtles are called sparkles. Turtles are long living animals; they can live for 200 years old. The material of the turtle shell is the same of human nails, and the upper shell is called carapace, the shell protects the turtle, and not all the breeds hide their head inside it. 3-12-2015 4-05-41 PM Watch this cute video and if you like it, don't hesitate then to share it with your family and friends.