Can Cats Eat Eggs? Are Eggs Beneficial or Toxic to Cats?

Hello, cat lovers!

You might have once dropped an egg on the floor, and your cat came to the rescue, wiping that floor clean. This might be a happy incident to you and a yummy one to your kitty, but is it a safe one? Should you continue giving your fluffy friends more eggs ( raw or cooked)?

So, can cats eat eggs?

Yes, cats can eat eggs as long as the eggs are cooked. Raw eggs are considered to be a big no-no for cats for two significant reasons.

  1. Raw foods like eggs and meat usually have bacteria in them. Cooking these foods kills the bacteria.
  2. Raw egg whites contain avidin, which is a protein that binds biotin, aka, vitamin B7. This means that consuming a lot of raw egg whites might lead to a Biotin deficiency. 

So, please only serve your fluffy friend cooked eggs! To learn more about why cats can eat eggs, how they should eat them, and how frequently they can safely consume this rich source of protein, then make sure that you continue reading this blog post.

Can cats eat eggs?

Unless your cat is allergic to eggs, has kidney disease, has heart disease, or you are trying to watch their weight, then your cat can eat fully cooked eggs.

Can Cats Eat Eggs? Are Eggs Beneficial or Toxic to Cats? A cat standing behind colorful eggs

Many people are asking: "Can cats eat eggs cooked?" The answer is that cooked eggs is the only way your cat is allowed to consume this protein-packed food.

Cats actually get almost the same health benefits from consuming eggs as we do. One of the best ways that cats can eat eggs is if they are scrambled. Scrambled eggs are super easy to digest and provide your kitty with the protein that they need.

Scrambled Eggs

Dr. Gary Richter, DVM, who is the owner and medical director of Montclair Veterinary Hospital that is based in Oakland, California, said the following:

"Cats are carnivores, so animal protein is critical to their good health. Cat foods should be predominantly made up of animal products."

If you give your cat cooked eggs for the first time, and you notice that their skin is irritated or that they now have an ear infection, then this probably means that your furry friend is allergic to eggs and that you should not feed them eggs again.

Can cats eat raw eggs?

Nope! Raw eggs are considered to be a big no-no for cats for two major reasons.

Can Cats Eat Eggs? Are Eggs Beneficial or Toxic to Cats? Raw Eggs
  • Raw foods like eggs and meat usually have bacteria in them. Cooking these foods kills the bacteria.
  • Raw egg whites contain avidin, which is a protein that binds biotin, aka, vitamin B7. This means that consuming a lot of raw egg whites might lead to a Biotin deficiency. 

Are eggs good for cats?

Here are some reasons why eggs are considered to be a good treat for cats:

  • Eggs are high in protein
  • They have vitamins A, B, D, E, and K in them.
  • Eggs have zinc and selenium in them.
  • Eggs also have iron, thiamine, and riboflavin.
  • They are also rich in biotin, which is what makes your kitty fur thick and their claws strong.
  • Eggs also have ten of the essential amino acids that cats need.

Still not convinced why eggs are such a fantastic treat for your cat?

Well, did you know that eggs are mostly made of water? If your cat is not drinking enough water or if they are dehydrated, then eating cooked eggs occasionally is going to be very beneficial to them.

Can Cats Eat Eggs? Are Eggs Beneficial or Toxic to Cats?

Also, cooked eggs are recommended when you are nursing a starving cat. It is going to give them that extra push that they need to recover from their starved body.

Finally, but not least, nutritionists believe that whole eggs are considered to be one of the best sources of protein for animals.

How often should cats eat eggs?

We have already established that eating cooked eggs as treats is actually healthy for cats, but how often can they consume this delicious protein-packed treat?

Eggs should never be an everyday treat for cats. Giving them eggs moderately, as in, once every week, for example, should be fine.

But if eggs are a healthy source of protein for cats, why can't they have it more frequently?

The thing is, eggs are high in cholesterol and fats. Also, excessive protein can be stored as fats, which could cause a lot of problems if your cat has heart issues.

Your cat should not eat eggs if..

If your cat has kidney problems, or you are trying to watch their weight, then they should not eat eggs at all.

Other questions related to can cats eat eggs?

Is it safe to feed a cat a raw egg?

No, raw eggs are not safe for cats to consume. Uncooked eggs harbor bacteria like Salmonella, which can lead to several health complications to both us humans and our beloved cats. Also, raw egg whites have a protein called avidin in them. Advin binds to vitamin B7, which means that cats can't absorb this essential vitamin.

Is it safe to feed cats eggs?

Yes. Because cats are carnivores, they can, of course, benefit from the protein and amino acids that are in eggs. However, think of eggs as more of a treat for your cats, and not something that they consume on a daily basis. Make sure that you give your cat small amounts of cooked eggs to avoid feeding them a high-calorie diet. 

How should eggs be prepared for cats?

Like we have mentioned, raw eggs are a big no-no for cats. Instead, make sure that you do the following things when preparing eggs for cats"

  • Remove the egg's raw and uncooked shells
  • Cook the eggs fully by either boiling or scrambling the eggs
  • Only feed them small portions of cooked eggs ( less than one egg).

Can cats eat egg yolks?

Yes, cats can eat egg yolks as long as it is cooked. Egg yolks contain a lot of the nutrients that are present in the egg, so of course, cats can eat the yolk as well. Whether it is the egg's whites or yolk, your cat can safely consume it as long as it is fully cooked.

Can cats eat scrambled eggs?

Yes, cats can eat scrambled eggs. In fact, scrambled eggs are easy to digest. Just avoid using butter or milk while cooking it cause some cats are lactose intolerant

What are some treats that you can safely give to your cats?

Here are some treats that the ASPCA has listed as safe to consume:

  • Zucchini
  • Peas 
  • Celery
  • Meat
  • Oats
  • Carrots
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Pumpkin
  • Green bell peppers

That's it for today's post. You should now know that cats can eat cooked eggs. To sum it up, here is why you should not feed your precious kitty raw eggs:

  1. Raw foods like eggs and meat usually have bacteria in them. Cooking these foods kills the bacteria.
  2. Raw egg whites contain avidin, which is a protein that binds biotin, aka, vitamin B7. This means that consuming a lot of raw egg whites might lead to a Biotin deficiency. 

My Sources:

Till next time,
