This is how you calm down a crazy little kitten.

3-6-2015 1-32-18 PM This is one of the most hilarious yet funny kittens that I've ever seen. This kitten is a hilarious crazy one. While I was watching this, I was asking myself, what is she doing? This kitten is going upside down, running and jumping everywhere, biting her owner's hand, which is the best thing for little kittens to do in spite of how much toys you brought for them to bite. But what happened next was adorable, the owner started to cuddle, and surprisingly, the kitten slept, you won't believe how cute she is, I am amazed by her. 3-6-2015 1-32-39 PM Kittens are the cutest ever; they are some of the cutest animals that you will ever see in your life. You are very lucky if you got that chance of raising kittens before. Cats typically sleep for 15-20 hours a day, with kittens often needing closer to 20 hours because of their young age, the kitten’s growing hormones produced while they are sleeping! Kittens like these ones are happiness itself. If you are having a kitten, you are a very lucky person then; you have to take good care of them. It starts with providing them a wide safe space, you have to keep them warm, because the cute kittens could catch a cold very easily which is very dangerous in their very first weeks. Before you hold one of them and after, you have to wash your hands very well with soap and water, and just soap and water, no extra products because little cute kittens may have several health problems in their first weeks, you have to plan a vet visit to check up on them. Little kittens must stay next to their mother for several weeks, the first 45 days in their life, so don’t separate them from their mother earlier than that. 3-6-2015 1-33-19 PM