Last week, when a South Californian family lost their beloved fish, Spot, they decided to honor their beloved friend and have a ceremony to say their final goodbyes. Delivering the bath praise was his best friend Liam who is 6 years old only!
Liam said:
"God, help Spot to stay good and stay comfortable. I hope he has a good journey, Amen!"
After the ceremony , Liam and his sister Pipper, 4 years old, sent Spot to his final swim.
Rest in peace, Spot!
I can only imagine how devastated the little boy is after saying the last goodbye and letting go of his best friend.
It’s very hard to lose a beloved pet, but after all, we are elders so we can handle it. However, children find it harder, they won’t get over it easily. Especially when they had spent most of their time together.
Liam, held the gold fish with his little hands, and he said goodbye in a very special way, he kissed his little fish, and it was time to let it go.
">"Well we had to send Spot the goldfish to heaven yesterday and Liam said the last words....this is hilarious"
Posted by Alex Vassey on Wednesday, February 3, 2016
These are bittersweet goodbyes but what I'm pretty sure of is that both boys will never forget their best friend back. Share this with your family and friends!