7 Big Cat Breeds: From Big Ears to Bigger Eyes- All the More Love for Us

Big cat breeds are just as loveable as their smaller versions. They often have uniquely big ears, eyes or other features that set them apart from the rest of the feline kingdom.

I think everyone remembers that moment in the second Shrek movie where puss-in-boots takes off his iconic hat and gives the audience the biggest, roundest, most adorable eyes you have ever seen

Even when they are usually referred to as puppy eyes, there are several big cat breeds that can look just as adorable.

Just like with people or other animals, we shouldn't shame them for their unique looks. Instead we should celebrate their uniqueness and quirky adorableness.



A true big cat breeds favourite. They are not only known for their long/haired fluffy fur coat that comes in various colours, but also for their very round eyes. There are so many descendents from this breed, that I could write a hwole article only about them.

Persians are a good breed to include into your family as they are calm and can add a relaxing vibe to your home.


big cat breeds Persian cat
Green-eyed Persian cat


2. Bengal

And we are returning to one of my favourite cat breeds of all time. This truly multi-talented big cat breed is a hybrid between an Asian leopard and domestic house cats. They are best known for their adventurous, "dog-like" character and their intense loyalty towards owners

Bengals are also one of the few big cat breeds with big and stunning eyes. I mean check it out!


big  cat breeds Bengal cat
Look at the Bengal cats' stunning eyes


big cat breeds

3. Sphinx cat

This cat breed is awesome. Not only can people suffering from cat allergies finally own cats problem free, but they also have some of the most intense eyes I have ever seen. If you do suffer from a cat allergy, maybe this article can help you.

The only thing bigger than the sphinx´eyes( and heart of course) are their ears.

However, their ears are super sensitive-just like most other cats- so please take care around them.

They pretty much capture you in their golden disks and dont stop loving you anymore.

big cat breeds

big cat breeds Sphinx cat

4. Abyssinian

These unique felines are top notch athletes and arcobats. A true outdoor cat that is very curious and adventourous.

Their sandy brown fur coat is good camouflage in the wild. Like most other cats on this list, their key features are their big ears and eyes. Don't they just look adorable?

big cat breeds

big cat brreds Abyssinian
Two Abyssinian cats with large ears

5.Russian blue

What is there more to say about these beauties? They are probably one of the top big cat breeds in terms of colours. No one can resist their grey-bluish fur coats that are just soooo soft.

Additionally, Russian blues are considered hypoallergenic cats, just like their Sphinx relatives above.

Furthermore, these cats are intelligent, curious and highly-athletic. So if you are looking for an multi-talented addition to your household: here they are!

big cat breeds

big cat breeds Russian Blue
Trademark turquoise eyes

big cat breeds

6. Oriental Shorthair

I personally think this type of big cat breeds deserves a better name. These cats have a very defined head shape, almost like a triangle. They are loving cats and it is best to keep them in pairs or groups as they re not solo cats.

There eyes are usually green and almond-shaped.

Furthermore, I simply love how bat-like these felines look. when I was younger I always wanted one,so these are really awesome.

Lats but not least, these adorable cats retain a kitten-like behaviour throughout their entire lives. Oriental Shorthairs are athletic and enjoy playing fetch. They are all so active!

big cat breeds Oriental shorthair  cat
An Oriental Shorthair mum with her kittens

7.Cornish Rex.

This intersting cat breed has a galloping run and is intelligent and curious. They tend to keep a kittenish nature throughout their entire lives, which is a great trait to have in a cat.

Due to their light coats, they like to stay indoors. dry and warm climates suit them the best. Often you might find one of those cuties curled up around heaters, computers or even your shoulders! This is done to preserve heat and keep themselves warm.

They have no hair except for down hair-unlike most other cat breeds. Despite some beliefs, Cornish Rex cats are NOT hypoallergenic.

big cat breeds

big cat breeds Cornish Rex
Big ears and big eyes all in one adorable cat.


BONUS 8. Savannah cat

big cat breeds Savannah Cat
(Credit: Wikipedia)

Originally, I wanted to write about only 7 big cat breeds.

However, I think the Savannah cat deserves a special spot on this list due to their large bodies in general. Even though they are on the rather light side of big cat breeds, they are massive.

Sometimes this cat can reach your knee height.

As seen in the picture above, this curious and very loyal cat will follow you around the house. They also love socialising with people, dogs, cats and everyone else honestly. They fetch and walk on a leash, if trained to do so.

Another little fact about Savannah cats: they love water. sometimes they will even want to go into the bathtub with you.

I even wrote an article dedicated to these sleek felines alone, as they have so much to write about.




There are so so many different types of big cat breeds around the world. Whenever I write something, I try to include as many cats from as many diverse backgrounds as possible. I mostly do this so that we can all learn more about the world and see cats in all their shapes and sizes.

If you have any specific breed of cat you are interested in or want to share a personal pet story , let me know in the comments. Read you next time!