Basic Puppy Training

Basic puppy training, The most important elements in your puppy's training program are perseverance, patience, and praise. Do not make the mistake of waiting too long and too soon, as this would not be fair to your new puppy.

Basic Puppy Training

Basic Puppy Training

  • Habits of toilet

This training can start on the same day you bring the puppy to your home. With persistence, you can instill toilet habits in two to four weeks, occasionally, for a few more days.

Normally the puppy will want to relieve themselves about ten minutes after eating. If possible, take him outside at that time. Until you have about six months, it may be necessary to take him out for a walk five times a day. Later trips to three newspapers may be reduced.

  • Training to obey

Although your puppy needs to learn grooming habits and good manners from the day he arrives at your house, simple obedience orders like the ones presented here can wait until he is at least six months old. It is very important to keep in mind the need to be patient in everything related to the training of a dog. Along with patience, you have to have proof.

  • Training for the belt

It is not difficult to teach this to a puppy, but before you start, use it to use a collar and leash. Custom it to the necklace by letting it wear it around the house for longer periods each day.

After a couple of days doing this, you can take it out for your first ride. Call him by your side, and when you take your first step, say "Quiet" or some similar order that is, from that moment, always the same.

This is an obedience order that you will have to learn later, so it is not bad that you begin to know it from the beginning.

Dog to sit - Basic puppy training

With your puppy facing you or your side, hold the leash with your right hand so that it is tight, and give the command "Sit." At the same time, lean forward and with your left-hand press your haunch until you feel it. You may want to lie down or lie on your side. Do not let it. Straighten it with your left hand on its side. Then give him a treat and praise him. Repeat the routine several times, always rewarding it when it responds well. Soon you will associate the order with the pressure on your haunch and anticipate it before you touch it.

Basic Puppy Training

Puppy obedience training - dog training

Basic puppy training, The specialists point out the importance of basic dog obedience exercises for the development of cognitive and social skills. Teaching your best friend, the basic commands are simple and very helpful for your education.

Obedience is a fundamental part of canine education and can be considered an essential condition for their training, but it is necessary to specify obedience is not the same as training.

There are different levels and types of training that can be offered to the animal. Currently, three main purposes guide the dog obedience exercises:

  • Service dogs: guide, police, rescuers, etc.
  • Breeds of sports competition.
  • Domestic and companion dogs.
Basic Puppy Training

Basic Obedience Training - Dog Training

1- Commit

It is very important to maintain a record in the education of a pet.

Basic puppy training, The animal must fully assimilate the commands, which requires commitment and patience on the part of its owner. If the owner does not have time availability, it is best to seek the help of a professional trainer.

2- When to teach

It is recommended to reserve 10 minutes a day to practice the basic obedience exercises with your dog because overloading the animal is counterproductive and facilitates its distraction.

3- How to teach

Basic puppy training "The basic obedience exercises" should be worked one on one to facilitate the comprehensive understanding of the animal. The idea is to spend between three and 10 days for the presentation and execution of each order.

The time of assimilation depends on each animal and the dedication of the one who teaches since it is demonstrated that some races are capable of learning more easily. The Border Collie, for example, can get to learn a command per day with proper guidance.

4- Apply positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is always the best option to promote canine obedience. It is always more positive that our pet performs the actions based on a prize, which does not always have to be a treat. It can be caresses, games, and performances of this type.

5- Choose the ideal place

Basic puppy training, To avoid distractions, mainly in puppies, it is important to choose a quiet place to teach your dog. You have to look for a place without any external stimuli, like other dogs, noises, music, the smell of food, etc.

Basic Puppy Training

Basic Puppy Commands

The basic obedience exercises integrate the first level of training a dog. These are primary and general orders, which include "together," "feel," "ground," "quiet," "here," and "cast."

These commands are commonly used to start educating domestic and professional dogs. The training of a service dog, for example, also begins with these basic exercises, in addition to the incentive to play.

Commands to Teach Puppy

Basic obedience exercises: the importance of positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement consists of rewarding appropriate attitudes to stimulate the learning of skills and promote obedience, especially in very independent dogs.

To easily teach the basic obedience exercises to your dog, the ideal is to praise and reward him when he executes the required commands. In this way, the animal can improve its ability to learn and socialize, as well as strengthen their self-confidence.

Dog's Bad Behavior

A poorly trained dog can embarrass its owner and offend other people and even make them feel threatened. To raise a dog with good behavior you have to register it at least in an obedience class at an early age