An Orange Cat Was Found On Arizona's Highway; It's A Harrowing Rescue

222222222 So many animals are abandoned in the streets, left alone with no caring hand, and no food and water, they are left alone and you have no idea how hard it is. These animals have feelings, and whenever you see one, you should always help them. Even if you can't, then call animal services, they will know what to do. Some stray animals are put in situations that put their lives on line, and it's very hard to watch them struggle, so when a cat was in an absolute need for help, this courageous man did not hesitate. 5205 A man named Richard Christianson spotted a terrified, wounded cat holding onto a metal fence, on the Arizona Highway last month. Rescue groups told Richard that it is very hard to rescue the poor cat, that it is dangerous, so Richard decided to handle things all on his own. Richard was very kind to the cat, and gentle, whispering comforting things to the cat while rescuing him, the cat was absolutely frightened. After the harrowing rescue, the cat was named Freeway, and Richard immediately took him to The Arizona Humane Society, where Freeway got the medical check he needed, and he went home with an experienced foster Mom, to take care of him. But on Thursday, he was finally up for adoption, and guess who adopted him? Of course, the man who rescued the cat. 512113315 The shelter took some adorable shots when Richard came to pick Freeway, and it's just like a happy ending. The cat will now have the life he truly deserves, and no more neglect or abandonment. This man is a very humane person, and I truly wish everyone was just like him. Don't forget to share this amazing story of Freeway with your family and friends, let his man be an inspiration!