An Elderly Couple Was Rushed To Hospital After Their Dog's Death, Then Something Amazing Happens!

Elderly_Couple_Gifted_Puppy_After_Pet_Chihuahua_Killed_By_Dogs A tragic story happened to the elderly couple, Miguel and Ada Rojas when they lost their beloved dog in a horrible attack that ended with their dog dead and both of them in hospital. The story happened last week when the couple from Florida were taking a walk with their beloved 3-year-old Chihuahua, Gucci, when two stray American Bulldogs attacked and killed Gucci. The 89-year-old Miguel was rushed to hospital for high blood pressure. The condition was not different for the 83-year-old Ada, she was rushed to hospital too and received 100 stitches after her attempts to save Gucci from the aggressive stray dogs _ the two dogs were taken to a local animal control. Elderly_Couple_Gifted_Puppy_After_Pet_Chihuahua_Killed_By_Dogs(1) The elderly couple has a happy ending despite the tragic and awful pain they have been through. They were surprised by a new puppy this week when a family friend, who is a dog breeder, arranged for this special gift. The elderly couple's daughter who is named Ada brought the nine-week-old puppy to her parent's house! Their reaction was so adorable and heartwarming, they both broke into tears the moment they saw the little puppy. Miguel was sobbing when the little puppy was given to his arms and he said that he was both "happy and sad". Ada, the wife believed that the little puppy's presence will help them continue to live again. Elderly_Couple_Gifted_Puppy_After_Pet_Chihuahua_Killed_By_Dogs(2) “I am numb with happiness and I am numb with pain,” said daughter Ada watching her parents hug their new loved one. “[Dogs] are family. They are not animals. They are part of a family.” “If somebody would come and offer me a million dollars, I don’t want it. We don’t want the $700 million lottery,” she told CBS Miami. “This is what we want. This is unconditional love…What’s going on right now, to me, I’m already a winner.” Share this story with your family and friends!