Amazing beagle pup detects pregnancy!

14-03-2016 11-47-59 ص Did you know that dogs can sense if a female is pregnant? Many pregnant women who own dogs have reported that their pups can predict their pregnancy before they know it themselves.  While those talented pups become more attentive and protective, they may also sniff the woman's belly, and rest their heads on it. Check the below video of Walter sniffing the belly of his owner! 14-03-2016 11-47-33 ص Jon and Cari filmed the clip of their talented beagle, Walter, who could do more than sitting, shaking, and rolling over. Though Cari was pregnant for less than 6 weeks, the talented dog knew it, and seemed excited about the baby growing inside Cari's belly. In the second part of the video, you can see Cari lying on the floor, 6 months pregnant, asking Walter "where is the baby?" It is obvious that he knows the correct answer, as he excitedly sniffs around Cari's belly! His canine sister, Bindy, looks excited about the coming baby. Amazingly, Walter and Bindy were able to know exactly what is inside Cari's belly. 14-03-2016 11-47-46 ص It is incredibly amazing how dogs can detect expecting women.  They get excited and show love for the baby while it is still unborn.  Actually, this awesome video shows that pups can be just as smart as human children. Walter has been that kind of smart kid for Jon and Cari for 5 years, and they have a lot of fun together. Now, Jon and Cari’s little baby girl, Averi, has joined this loving family. Looks like she has a forever best friend already, doesn't she? If you enjoyed the heart-melting video, please Share it with friends!