Although I do it every single day, but I did not know most of these 27 weird facts about it
Everybody needs to sleep; it is a pretty simple activity! Although the number of hours needed to sleep daily is always up in the air, those who do not get enough sleep are usually miserable. If you do not know that, there are many weird facts about sleeping things, check these out.
1. You sleep for an average of 25 years of your lifetime
2. during newborn babies' first two years, their parents have miss out 6 months of sleep.
3. The recorded longest period without sleep is 11 days.
4. Your life expectancy is reduced each night you sleep less than 7 hours.
5. Deaf people, sometimes, can sign in their sleep.
6. You can gain two pounds a weak because of lack of sleep.
7. You can never sneeze while you are a sleep.
8. It is normal for people in Japan to fall asleep while at work because of the insane working hours.
9. If it is hard for you to get out of bed every morning, you are suffering from a disorder called dysania.
10. People's sleeping differs depending on the moon phase, we sleep under a new moon better than under a full moon.
11. The only people known of capability of sleeping standing up are Tibetan monks.
12. Some passenger plans' pilots in the U.K. have admitted that they sometimes fall asleep while flying.
13. Even if you did not sleep well; believing that you did can improve your day performance.
14. Memories take hold better while sleeping.
15. from a time to time, John Lennon had used to sleep in an old coffin.
16. Studies show that students with later start times perform better at school
17. You burn more calories while sleeping than you do while watching television.
18. Sleep deprivation sometimes slows reaction time and impairs judgment.
19. according to neuroscientists, babies do not dream during their first few years.
20. Women experience more nightmares than men.
21. during complete darkness, most people adjust to cycle of 48 hours: 36 hours of activity, and 12 hours of sleep.
22. Contrary to the popular belief of the likelihood of eating one spider at least in lifetime while sleeping, it is slim to none.
23. About 8% of Americans usually sleep naked.
24. France has the most sleeping time average in the developed world, which is 8.83.
25. Morphine got this name from Morpheus, the Roman God of sleep and dreams, because morphine causes to make people lethargic.
26. Babies need do much sleep because they can use about 50% of the glucose of their brains in a day.
27. People who experience nightmares the most, are those who suffer from heart conditions, migraines, and sleep deprivation.
Share these facts with friends and family to see if any of them already knows all of them!