A rescue woman knows about a new abandoned pup. But when she sees him? I'm speechless…

vince-600x371 Vincent is a 7-year-old dachshund whose life turned tragically last year. He was abandoned and left all by himself, after his owner passed away. After a period of being alone, Vincent was dropped off at an animal shelter. The dog’s appearance was shocking to all of the shelter's staff. He weighed 38 pounds, which was almost as twice as his breed’s average weight. The obvious reasons were Vincent's age, and his extremely poor health. Vincent was about to be put to sleep.  Luckily, Mary Tipton of K9 Angels Rescue stepped into the picture just in time. Tipton had a caring and kind desire that Vincent could have a second chance in life. Therefore, she posted Vincent's photo on Facebook, and hoped to find him a foster home. Surprisingly, it took Melissa, Vincent's savior, only 15 minutes to come and pick him up. fat-vincent-800-600x450 Unfortunately, Melissa had to experience a new level of fat shaming while leaving the vet with Vincent. Passers-by gave the pup nasty comments and dirty looks all the way. Melissa felt so bad as if they were both being shamed! Therefore, she decided that day to provide Vincent with appropriate food and all the exercises he needed to help him get back in shape once again. Now, eight months later, the pup's transformation is going viral! Scroll down to find out more about Vincent's fascinating transformation! Vincent's tragedy began when his owner died. He was dropped off at a local shelter, where staff decided to put him down because his health was extremely bad. Vincent was overweight, twice as normal, and he was going through so much grief and trauma. These physical and psychological issues all made the pooch's life so hard. According to the National Pet Obesity Awareness Day Survey report in 2014, 52.7% of dogs in the U.S. were overweight. Besides that, cholesterol level was dangerously high.  He was also at risk of nerve damage. Thanks to Mary Tipton of K9 Angels Rescue, Vinnie was able to have a second chance in life after she posted his photo on Facebook and asked for a foster home for him. 160402182953-tease-overweight-dog-update-irpt-large-169-600x338 Fortunately, Vincent's rescuer, Melissa, could not bear the idea of putting this poor pup to sleep. She rushed to the shelter to take Vincent, but when she was leaving the place, she felt fat-shamed because of the nasty comments and dirty looks of the passers-by. “Some people just do not know other people’s stories. They just make assumptions by their appearances,” said Melissa. She also assumed that Vincent's original owner had given him a lot of fast food and human food. Vincent needed a week of detox before being placed on a completely different lifestyle regime. He exercised on a daily basis, ate special dog food, and spent time playing with other dachshunds. After spending a while with his loving foster mom and being put on a healthy regime, Vincent was not lonely or fat-shamed anymore. Gradually, Vincent's weight began to shake off. Melissa posted an impressive photo of Vincent's transformation on Facebook. He is now 17.5 pounds. “A little more than a pound left to lose!” said Melissa. Eventually, he became ready to have his forever home! He has been officially declared as "Skinny Vinnie". There is no wonder his story is so inspiring for many people across the country. Thanks to Melissa for saving the life of this survivor pup! Watch the video of Vincent's incredible transformation below! Please SHARE Vincent's inspiring story with all your friends and family on Facebook!