A police officer teams up with a lost dog on his very first day on duty!

pitbull-in-police-car Last Tuesday, Officer Larry Taylor had a hilarious situation when he, in a funny unexpected way, met a pooch who might have been dreaming of being a K9 officer! Luckily for all dog lovers, Officer Taylor has documented this meeting with the funny photos below! In Jacksonville, Florida, while Officer Taylor was sitting in his new police car, which he just received, working on some police report, when he was surprised by a dog who ran and jumped through the car’s open door and made herself comfortable! The funniest part of the story is that the dog looked confident and assured that this was her place, and Taylor was her partner! Officer Taylor, who is new to the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, was on call in Zone Four; this is when the unexpected passenger jumped into his squad car. It turned out later the Pit Bull pooch was lost from her owner. 15-03-2016 12-17-53 م The dog’s owner had been located with the assistance of some police work, and during the search for the owner, she sat confidently next to Taylor.  The Officer did not have any problem with the pooch at all, on the contrary; he liked the company during the time he was writing the police report! Once the dog owner had been located, he came for his pooch and got her out of Taylor’s car. Kudos, the dog owner, felt grateful for the way Taylor treated his dog. Please Share this funny little story with your friends and family! credit: Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office