A Pet Raccoon Helps His Owner By Washing Anything He Can Catch
Raccoons are amazing pets, but sometimes they turn out to be like kids who want to explore everything and also mess with everything. This raccoon is acting like babies who play with everything and anything. Theraccoon is takes anything that he catches with his paws and puts it in the water bowl, from his point of view he is just feeling that these stuff needs to be washed. His owner was totally surprised when she found her cell phone in the water bowl, she ran towards the bowl and took it, in the same moment, the raccoon took her shoe and put it in the water bowl too. We hope that his owner wouldn't misunderstand him; all that he wants is to help.
Maybe when you find that raccoons have a funny side, you will think again about having a raccoon as a pet. They are so funny and joyful companions to be, raccoons live for about ten to fifteen years, but it’s illegal to have raccoons as pets in some countries and areas.
If it was to have one, just try to choose an early-aged one, so it will be easy for you to teach him some stuff and to get him sociable and less prone to bite. Especially the biting thing; you have to be so careful and take care because they need lots of caring; you also have to choose a good vet because not all of them can deal with raccoons. You have to prepare an outdoor little house for raccoons, a place to sleep and raise their babies. And get ready for some potty training either.
And about food; raccoons must eat healthy and naturally, fruits and veggies, chicken and fish, and avoid red meat completely, and don’t forget to give him some entertainment.