A newborn baby girl meets two adorable boxers for the very first time!

14-03-2016 12-25-23 م While many people might think that it is not safe for a newborn baby to be in the same home with a big dog, these two big boxers in the video have been introduced to their new human baby sister! Boxers are wonderful dogs, they are ideal lovers and family protectors, and it looks like this baby girl is going to have the ultimate care by these two adorable pooches! She will be the kid with her protective loyal friends all the time. What a lucky baby! 14-03-2016 12-24-44 م In the video below, a couple of white boxers meet their newest family member for the first time. While the baby girl had to stay for few days in hospital, the two friendly pups eagerly awaited her arrival. What a heartwarming feeling to witness the meeting.  Both pups had once lived a devastating life, and were rescued.  They had also worked as hospice therapy dogs. You can see in the video how they were so gentle with the tiny new comer. 14-03-2016 12-24-13 م Sadly, Ella, the adorable boxer with the fawn spot, had suffered from cancer and died only three months after this recording. While it is heartbreaking for her loving family to lose their beloved pup on Feb 8, 2014, they are grateful for those cherished moments they had with her, and that they captured some of the moments on camera.  Ella will always be remembered. If you loved the heart touching video, please Share it with friends!