A Monster Did That To His Dog, Watch What Happens When The Vet Checks On Him

21-03-2016 06-16-10 م A beautiful Golden Retriever is now, thankfully, recovering after being exposed to one of the worst animal abuse and cruelty cases ever. The dog was found this week in Lancaster, CA with serious and deadly injuries. Some citizens saw the one-year-old Golden Retriever named Fergus roaming in the streets, wandering with no shelter to go with three-degree-burns on his back and then he was taken into the Lancaster shelter. The Southern California Golden Retriever Rescue shelter later selected and transferred the dog to the Animal Medical Center of Southern California. 21-03-2016 06-16-42 م Vets think these burn injuries were purposely made and someone poured battery acid down the dog's backbone. Thankfully, the dog is responding well to the treatments and antibiotics. In spite of all his seriously bad injuries, Fergus shows his real loving spirit as you see in the video he won't stop wagging his tail and giving kisses. “The vet said he is really doing beautifully for what was done to him,” the Southern California Golden Retriever Rescue wrote on Facebook. “He is a loving, forgiving boy, and in time all his wounds, inside and out will heal.” 21-03-2016 06-16-59 م Authorities are still doing their best to find the person who abused Fergus. Dr. Alan Schulman  with the Animal Medical Center of Southern California demands the person who made that awful action to be persecuted. “Unfortunately, we see these types of malicious injuries to dogs at times,” he told KTLA. “You’ve got to be able to prosecute these people to the fullest extent of the law.” Warning: this video may be upsetting to some users. There is a GoFundMe. page made to cover the dog's medical bills. Please share with your family and friends to help Fergus!