A middle-aged man adopts a senior pup. But what he found in his paperwork is STUNNING

20-03-2016 05-41-44 م Eric O'Grey could be possibly dead now, that is what his doctor told him about 5 years ago as the definite result of his extremely unhealthy lifestyle. The doctor's prognosis was devastating to Eric, and he knew that he had to change to live. In 2010, Eric was weighing 340 lbs, besides the various life-threatening diseases he was suffering from, including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol level. He was on medications, but they were not enough to keep him alive for long if he continued harming himself with all the bad unhealthy habits he was doing. 20-03-2016 05-41-30 م "I already was not feeling alive. The only feeling I had was being uncomfortable with people, and I was avoiding being with others" said Eric in the Humane Society Silicon Valley video below. When O'Grey was on flight once at that time, a stranger ridiculed him. At that moment, he decided to make the most important change in his life. Yet, he had no idea that man's best friend would be his savior! Watch his incredible transformation in the video below! It was certain that O'Grey was in bad need for help with his over-weight. He went to a nutritionist, who encouraged him to adopt a dog. The doctor convinced him that dog would make the transition process easier for him. Therefore, he took the advice of his doctor and adopted an obese and middle-aged pup, just like him! 20-03-2016 05-40-48 م "Peety changed my life for good" said O'Grey. "I did not save Peety as he did save me. Thanks to him being at my side all the time, I wake up every day with a strong desire to be a better person" he added. If you believe that dog is man's best friend, please SHARE this inspirational video!   Via Little Things