A cute ragdoll cat greets a koi fish with a kiss!

This video is adorably cute, can't stop watching it. Meet Timo the Ragdoll cat, what she is doing here is cute and lovable. The Ragdoll sits beside the pond every day, and the reason is unbelievable. The ragdoll cat loves to greet the fishes every day. The fish surrounds the Ragdoll cat and they came closer to her. The Ragdoll cat greets her fish friends in the pond with a little kiss, and a high five with her paws. How cute! It's totally adorable. It's the first time for me to see cat acting so sweet like this with fishes.


Ragdoll cats are cute; this breed of cats was first found in California, in 1963. This breed is known for its large sizes. Female Ragdoll can weigh 15 pounds and the male ragdoll 20 pounds. The ragdoll always like to be held, but their heavy weight makes it very hard to do. The ragdoll cat is known for its blue bright eyes. It's known that the Ragdoll cats are known for their good tempers, and their amazing personality.

ragdoll-cat-funny-video There are so many other breeds of cats, like Persian cats, Bangle cats and the hairless Sphynx cat. A cat sleeps a lot, and that’s because the hormones of growing are released while sleeping, and about sleeping, cats are sleepy creatures, they sleep about 2/3 of the day. Another weird fact is that cats can make about 100 sounds, but dogs only make 10. Cats have an excellent hearing and smelling sense ragdoll-cat-funny-video Owning a cat is a very amazing thing, so have you ever owned a cat? Or did you ever own a Ragdoll cat? Watch this funny video below, and if you find it cute, and if you are a Ragdoll cat fan, don’t hesitate to share it with your family and friends