A crime against a Labrador, turns to a miracle rescue!

In Santa Fe, a cruel crime had taken place, and a heroic rescue had been made. That is why this story is a miracle, literally!  In the middle of a wooded area, a Labrador had been left to die alone, but this is not the worst of it; the black Labrador is blind and suffers from severe injuries caused by bullets! The heartless human responsible for this had shot the dog 4 times, and then left her to die! The poor dog was suffering from sever wounds, and she could barely move with a bullet in one of her legs. That is when the miracle happened! Luckily for the dying dog, a group of teenagers had found her struggling and starving while they were off-roading. 14-02-2016 01-13-44 م It was very obvious that the dog needed immediate care, so 16-year-old Cole Bodelson and his friends picked the injured dog up carefully and drove her as fast as they could to the Santa Fe Animal Shelter, where she had an successful surgery! The blind Labrador’s life had been saved! After the lab had received the medical care, she had resting time in the shelter until she recovered from all her wounds. Afterwards, she has been put for adoption.  Unfortunately she is no longer blind only, but had one of her legs amputated too.  However, the strong pup held on to life, and her rescuing story inspired a kindhearted family who decided to adopt her. 14-02-2016 01-13-22 م While detectives are still working on finding the criminal who shot Lilly, She is enjoying her days and having a wonderful life with her loving forever family. If you're inspired with Lily’s second chance, please Share with everyone you know!