A Cowboy Was Behind A Sanctuary Only To Protect Wild horses; WOW!
Wild horses, in our world, are always treated horribly. We never know what happens to them, but they probably get hit, they don't eat well, and most importantly, they don't have their freedom. The reason why they are so wild is that they are not given the freedom and safety they need. And this what one cowboy couldn't handle, this is what one cowboy did for the wild horses to keep them safe. This is one cowboy that is so brave and noble, when you know his story, you will be in awe.
At the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary, hundreds of wild horses are now free – they run free and safely, and all because of Dayton O'Hyde, the incredible cowboy. In the sanctuary here, the horses run wildly on the land just like it was 300 years ago; this sanctuary remains the most wild of all, located in South Dakota and surrounded by the flowing Cheyenne River. In the sanctuary, there is no pollution, traffic, power lines – only fresh air and freedom.
In the video, you will meet Dayton, the incredible man who is behind this sanctuary. You will see the journey behind his mission to protect the wild horses of the American West and to preserve the land long revered by Native Americans. Dayton is a true cowboy, a conservationist, and an award-winning author. Wow, huh?
His sanctuary is something close to heaven for Dayton, and he is dedicating his life for the sanctuary. His love for horses is so deep, and he wanted to protect them from the world. And when you see the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary yourself, you will be amazed, and you will believe that it actually is heaven on earth.
Watch the trailer of the documentary Running Wild: The Life Of Dayton O.Hyde, the documentary was released in 2013, and it's simply amazing. Don't forget also to share the amazing story of this cowboy with your family and friends.