A cat burned in the fire, but see what he does now to other animals in the clinic is amazing.

russell-pic Animals can give endless love, especially those who are in a helpless need for it, like this amazing cat named Russell, and his story is very hard to believe. It all started when this cat arrived at Animal Emergency Hospital and Urgent Care Clinic in Raleigh, North Carolina, he arrived there for a year ago as a patient. A horrible fire in his home left him with severe burns. But from the moment that the staff met him for the first time, they were amazed by how much love and kindness are found in his heart, and it was shown more with the other animals. russell-the-cat-6 Russell the cat started to show his kindness to the sick and abandoned animals in the clinic, he loved to comfort them; he was so friendly and caring. One of his dearest friends is that fawn, he purrs in its ears, he loves to cuddle with her. Russell is very loving; he is also a good friend for that beautiful Darla, he was taking care of her and also shared the bed with her sometimes. It was known that Russell was having a dog friend that he sadly lost in the fire, but instead, he had many new dog friends in the clinic. russell-the-cat-4 He had a special Chihuahua friend named Roscoe; sadly, he was attacked by another dog so his eyes were injured. And here is another friend, Squirrel the Labrador dog who was abandoned and was left to live in the streets, sadly he was hit by a car, but Russell was an amazing loving friend who tried his best to comfort his Labrador dog friend. Beside all of this, Russell loves to be taken care of, the staff loves him dearly, they love to cuddle and pet him, but they said that he is not ready to go back home because there are lots of surgeries and treatments still needed for his situation. russell-the-cat-8 russell-the-cat-7 russell-the-cat-10 The story of Russell is inspiring; share it with your family and friends.