A blind stray cat found home, the story is touching!

desktop-1425914080 Any pet owner would have had to notice something was wrong with Hope’s eyes. She was born with microphthalmia which literally means ‘small eye, a developmental disorder that means her eyes are abnormally small and nonfunctioning. Her name perfectly describes her touching story. desktop-1425914083 The 16 week old kitten was rescued in an Ikea parking lot in December by the Burlington Humane Society, Hope, her mother Charity, and her sister Joy were found in the cold, apparently having been abandoned, in Burlington, Ontario, Canada in December. The little family came into the care of the Burlington Humane Society, where staff realized there was an issue with both of Hope’s eyes. desktop-1425914087 ’ Hope was born with two very tiny non-functional eyes and is completely blind” the shelter wrote on their Facebook, along with pictures of the cutie. Janet Cappus, the adoption counselor said, “She definitely caught the hearts of a lot of people.” She went on to say, “She’s incredibly intelligent and find her way around.” Her story touched so many people from the community that donations came pouring in and Hope was able to receive her much-needed surgery to remove her non-functional eyes. That surgery took place earlier this month. desktop-1425914086 Hope gained many friends and supporters when BHS staff posted her photo and story at social media, and thousands of dollars came in to help fund the necessary surgery to remove her eyes. “She’s the most playful kitten … anything with a spring or a ball, if she could hear it, she was playing with it. She would run all around the room.” Burlington Home Society was waiting for a person living in a one-floor home to adopt Hope, since it would make her life much easier post adoption. desktop-1425914082 BHS has announced that on Thursday, February 26 Hope was adopted into what they feel is the perfect home, with a single man living in a first floor apartment. “And her new owner says she’s already found her favourite spot on the couch,” desktop-1425914364 desktop-1425914290