8 ways to help stray cats survive this winter

06-12-2015 04-27-03 م Wintertime is hard for pets, and while most pets have warm places to sleep and snuggle, stray animals outdoors live much rougher conditions. Stray cats are almost everywhere. They are the same species as domesticated cats, but they have become wild due to their harsh outdoor conditions.  During winter, these kittens have to face hunger and cold too. But you can help making it better for them! Although you might not be a cat person, you can help cats survive this winter with just some diligence and few simple tips. It is also important to keep in mind that feral cats are not actual pets.  therefore, don't pick them up if they are not used to you, they might bite or scratch you, so refrain from over friendliness and they will appreciate you giving them their space.    
  1. Build A Shelter
You can can save some cats' lives this winter by this simple act, without even using blankets; you will only use Styrofoam, plastic pins, and straw! Build it well-insulated and snug, and you will help some cats staying warm thanks to their self body heat. There are many great tutorials on how to build a comfy cozy shelter. A shelter like this one is also perfect for your own cat if it prefers to roam out rather than staying inside during winter. 0000_Layer-Comp-1-600x600
  1. Shovel Out Shelters
You can take a moment and shovel out shelters for the cats living on your property, just make sure they can get in and out after snowfalls. That way, cats can leave for water and food and get back to either shelters you have built or their own shelters. 0003_Layer-Comp-4-600x600
  1. Make Your Garage Cat-proofed
If there are outdoor cats who have decided to take residence in your garage, make sure it is safe for them. Remove claw-able and anything breakable. In addition, clean up any antifreeze spills as animals find this toxic chemical tasty! Certainly, if you keep your car in the garage, check where cats are not lying under before pulling out. 0001_Layer-Comp-2-600x600
  1. Check Your Engine
During times of extreme cold, cats and other small animals love to snuggle besides your still-warm engine under your car's hood. This might sound crazy to you, but it is true! If you had a drive on a cold night, it is a good idea to check in the morning under the hood to make sure there are no warmth seekers cramping inside. You need no one to tell you what would happen if you turn your car on while an animal is inside. 0002_Layer-Comp-3-600x600
  1. Install A Small Pet Door
If you provide a safe shelter or a designated area for stray cats, a pet door will be great for them to freely get in and out as they please. But, make sure that this door is small enough to fit cats only, not all the animal kingdom! Stray and outdoor cats tend to be thinner, so do not worry about excluding large cats. A smaller door can also exclude other animals, like raccoons. 0004_Layer-Comp-5-600x600
  1. Invest In A Heated Water Dish
It is very important to stay well hydrated in the winter, but how are cats suppose to drink if the dish is frozen outside? To provide cats with drinking water outside, you may want to get a heated water dish that can keep water liquid. 0005_Layer-Comp-6-600x600
  1. Opt For Dry Food
Wet food can also freeze in low temperature, so choose dry cat food instead. However, it is better to provide food and water indoor, in a garage for example. 0006_Layer-Comp-7-600x600
  1. Help Keep Them Healthy
If there is a cat colony around your neighborhood, try to lend them some grace this winter. If you observe cats who seem to be injured or sick, call a shelter or your animal control office.   Please share if you believe stray cats deserve safe and warm homes this winter!