7 things proving that cats are good for your health.

1.Keeps your heart healthy. Owning any pet always relieves stress, but owning a cat in particular is just amazing for reducing stress. Cats relieve stress and anxiety which is something that keeps our heart healthy. Actually, a study made by the University of Minnesota's Stroke Institute in Minneapolis, after following 4,000 Americans over 10 years, they found that cat owners are 30% less likely to die from a heart attack or a stroke in general. shutterstock_112445183 2.Lessens the risk of child allergies. If the reason you do not own a cat is because you're afraid on your child, do not! A study by Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology found that children who interact/live with cats before turning 1 year old are less likely to have any kind of allergy. So do not be afraid, parents! Cats are 100% safe. shutterstock_118616692 3.Cats' purring heals muscles and bones! It sounds unbelievable and impossible, but it isn't! If you didn't know, vibration therapy is used to strengthen muscles and bones that are too weak or have been injured. Cats' purring makes the vibrations that are identical to strengthen a muscle or a bone – which are around 20-140 Hz. shutterstock_11245036 4.They will help you through hard times. It's been proven that cats with their unconditional and unlimited love that the give, they help us through our hard times. Their presence in the house gives emotional support. Also, the way that they makes us laugh at them is just enough to make our mood better. shutterstock_237597127 5.Cats can lower your blood pressure. Your blood is often high if you are always stressed, so cats are known for being anxiety relievers, which will help in lowering your blood pressure. shutterstock_177520142 6.Cats will keep you away from the doctor. A lot of studies have shown that cats make you happier, which in order will make you healthier. People who own cats are 12% make only 2 visits in a year to the doctor. shutterstock_160160576 7.Seizure predictors. While not all cats will feel a seizure coming, there are studies everyday that prove that cats can sense a seizure before coming. shutterstock_175320737