5 Ways To Keep Your Cat Purring

03-12-2015 01-58-21 م There is no doubt that indoor cats are much safer than their outdoor counterparts are, they even live longer as they have extra attention. The most common problem with indoor cats is that they do not have enough daily basis stimulation, which makes them get bored with the environment. For cat parents, although it is a smart decision to keep them indoors, you have to be responsible for their enrichment. Providing cats with entertainment helps staving off potential boredom and keeps their wild instincts active and healthy. Moreover, it is important to be sure that their needs are met.  Cats are hunters by nature; hunting is essential for their satisfaction in life! These are some tips that all cat parents will like to know and apply to keep their indoor cats purring. #1. A stint in the wild is very helpful for indoor cats they are anxious when getting their claws dirty outside. You can satisfy your cat by letting it roam around under a bush in the wild for some time after training. 03-12-2015 01-58-00 م #2. Indoor cats get stressed as they prefer to be out hunting; more playtime is helpful to relief this stress. cats #3. Sufficient complexity and height condos give cats a relieving vertically spaced territory. 03-12-2015 01-58-21 م #4. Instead of normal treats routine, you can give your cat a chance to hunt for food, by placing it for it in a variety of exciting places. indoor-cat-happy-e1409662119968 #5. You can stimulate your cat's activity levels by playing with a toy mouse, or a laser pointer. 03-12-2015 02-01-19 م Sure, it is dangerous for a cat to be outside, especially in urban areas that have a lot of traffic. But cats that frequently go outside seem to exude confidence, they see the vet trip as a slight inconvenience during their day.   Share these tips with all cat parents you know to help them keep their kitties purring