21 Photos of The First Moment Of Pets Joining The Family And The Last Time
The first moment between you and your dog is indescribable and unforgettable, that first time you brought your four legged friend home, and for sure, the last minute is also unforgettable. Here, so many people shared their first moment and the last moment that they lived with their pets, and it's very touching to see.
1-After 14 wonderful years, the first moment was exactly like the last one.
2-The beautiful Cassie died suddenly after 3 years, here is the first photo between her owner's arms, and the last one.
3-Even if it was the last photo ever, their friendship will last forever.
4-The first moment they were playing, after 13 years, the last moment was between her arms.
5-This is Steve Holt the cat, and his first day with his owner was the day of his birth.
6-The first day, their friendship started, but now unfortunately, it ended.
7-The first day she came to my life, and the last one she went out of it.
8-This lifetime friend lived for sixteen years, and she died because of a stroke. She will be missed.
9-Our pets join us on a lifetime journey, only they get out of it after a while.
10-Kilo here died, he is going to be missed.
11-The first picture of his cat, and the last one.
12-The first and the last photo of the four legged friend…
13-It was heartbreaking to put him down after an amazing life for both of them.
14-16 years… 16 amazing years.
15-Here is the last photo of Simba before they put him down.
16-10 years of friendship, I won't forget you.
17-It’s such an amazing thing to have a pet friend until you grow up.
18-Millie, passed away this week…
19-Mel, the kindest, the most playful cat. First and last photos…
20-She joined their family since she was born…
21-There area lot of years between the first Hi and the last goodbye.
Share these precious moments with your family and friends.