21 Dogs Confessing The Worst Things They Have Ever Done, WOW!
We all know how dogs are. They are fun to have around, they are adventures, and they fill your life with smiles! Having a dog is amazing, and every dog has their own kind of… thing. Each dog has a unique characteristic, and that's just what makes everyone's dogs very special. Having a dog means responsibility, and that you will love him no matter how much trouble he causes in your house. Because that's like the vow you say when you bring your dog home. Now here we have 21 dogs, with an exception of 1 cat, telling us about their adventures and unique characteristics, and we just can't stop laughing.
1.This dog that just can't grasp the true meaning of a dog. We still love you anyway.
2.This feels like middle school.
3.As much as it is very shocking, I really hope his stomach is well.
4.Because husky dogs are very, very talented.
5.Well, your first impression did you good, kitty.
6.When your dog is just as awesome as this one.
7.I shed a little bit tooo much.
8.Well, what a cutie!
9.Because simply, what goes around comes back around.
10.The true shame.
11.He likes to search for food, in walls.
12.He literally eats everything on the floor.
13.It's like a dog alarm.
14.OH MY GOD! This is hilarious!
15.He would hate to tell the vet I told you so he did this.
16.I'm sure he is okay with it. Although he would love to change the color.
17.Well, he just wanted company!
18.His poop is made of awesomeness!
19.He was just trying to welcome her home L
20.Because they are just evil and cruel.
How many times have your dog made something as awesome, yet shocking, as these? Don't forget to share your adventures with your dog with us, and don't forget to share these with your family and friends.