20 cats that are definitely planning to kill you.

20-hilarious-photos-proving-cats-want-humans-dead-9 Who said cats are furry, adorable, and lovable? Well, they are, but only on the very first week. That is until they know all about you. Your food, your schedule, the times you aren't at home, who are your friends, and all the details of your life. That's when they start planning to kill you, and that's what cats think of, they don't think of food or water, they only think of planning the end of the world. Now, to prove our point, here are 20 cats that are planning to end the world. 1.Well, this cat is definitely hating that you're making dinner meals for your friends and not for him. 20-hilarious-photos-proving-cats-want-humans-dead-1 2.You want to know why cats like gardens? Because then they can train on their hunting abilities. 20-hilarious-photos-proving-cats-want-humans-dead-2 3."Human, I'm always watching. I've got my eyes on you." 20-hilarious-photos-proving-cats-want-humans-dead-3 4."I might be behind a window, but I'm planning all the ways to kill you." 20-hilarious-photos-proving-cats-want-humans-dead-4 5.That's what happens to cats' eyes when they get new plans. 20-hilarious-photos-proving-cats-want-humans-dead-5 6."I will have my revenge, human!" That's what happens when you shower cats. 20-hilarious-photos-proving-cats-want-humans-dead-6 7."I don't care, I'm comfy." 20-hilarious-photos-proving-cats-want-humans-dead-7 8.When your cat looks at you like that, then you have done something wrong, do not sleep that night. 20-hilarious-photos-proving-cats-want-humans-dead-8 9.This is when you say something bad and you think your cat doesn't understand you, but he does, and he doesn't like it. 20-hilarious-photos-proving-cats-want-humans-dead-9 10.This is when your cat is done with planning, and is ready to put the plan into action. 20-hilarious-photos-proving-cats-want-humans-dead-10 11.Again, this is when you say something your cat doesn't like. 7-28-2015 12-12-10 AM 12.This is when you put away the food. 20-hilarious-photos-proving-cats-want-humans-dead-12 13.You did not put the food for the cat in the usual time. 20-hilarious-photos-proving-cats-want-humans-dead-13 14.Thanks for the pizza, it's mine now. 20-hilarious-photos-proving-cats-want-humans-dead-14 15."I'm not really in the mood for you, human." 20-hilarious-photos-proving-cats-want-humans-dead-15 16.They like thinking that they are villains. 20-hilarious-photos-proving-cats-want-humans-dead-16 17.Moral lesson: do not dress up your cat. 20-hilarious-photos-proving-cats-want-humans-dead-17 18.Fight, fight, fight! 20-hilarious-photos-proving-cats-want-humans-dead-18 19."Don't look at me in that way, dude." 20-hilarious-photos-proving-cats-want-humans-dead-19 20."No, stop calling me cute." 20-hilarious-photos-proving-cats-want-humans-dead-20 All jokes aside, our cats are the most innocent pets!