2 Dogs Who Previously Lived Together As Strays Have Amazingly Heartwarming Reunion!

Rather than long lasting relationships with humans, dogs could have that kind of relationships between their each other either. They may even fall in love! This is a love story between two dogs that used to be together, separated, and finally gathered again.Petsfans 0067 - 1 The two dogs were found as strays and brought to Adams County Pet Rescue. They were not recognized as bonded pair; therefore, they were not put at same kennel. The dogs have been known as bonded pair when Abby was found lying beside her companion after she snuck out of her kennel. Petsfans 0067 - 2 Abby's boyfriend was a social dog; therefore, he was adopted right away. Abby had to have more training before being adopted. After six months, Abby has gotten an amazing forever home, soon after that, her new family thought it will awesome if she has a friend. Abby's family contacted Rebecca and Alycia of Animal House TV asking for help in the search for a friendly dog for Abby. Rebecca and Alycia called some of helping people including the shelter manager of Adams County Pet Rescue, who told them that Abby's best friend is back to the shelter. Petsfans 0067 - 3 Rebecca and Alycia were so excited to reunite the two dogs again; they picked up the German shepherd and got him well groomed, and then drove him to meet his girlfriend. It is their destiny, they are meant to be together. At their first meeting after separation, no one was able to predict their reaction to seeing each other; therefore, a fence separated them on leash. Watch the video and wait until 5:37 to see what happened when Abby saw her boyfriend after their long separation. Rebecca and Alicia wish that potential adopters could open their homes and hearts to bonded pairs like Abby and her companion. Although this is not common, it worth consideration after knowing that they may have such love story. Share this love story with friends and family.   Via reshareworthy