2 Adorable Golden Retrievers Make Unexpected New Best Friends!

David Ferrier was out with Riley and Morgan, his two adorable golden retrievers when they suddenly spotted something jolting in the nearby water. The pup's human knew he had to film the reaction of his two beautiful pups, which, as he admitted, was unlike any other reaction he saw before. The ears of the two pups alert perking back, and then they sprinted to the water, where they stood quietly on the banks of the Kilnaughton Bay. Petsfans 0065 - 1 Scroll down to find out what took the attention of Riley and Morgan! Soon Ferrier noticed it himself; huge creatures were floating under the cold-water surface. He was shocked at first, but within a few moments, he could not hold back a smile when he realized what these creatures were, and how his dogs were interested in them! Petsfans 0065 - 2 Ferrier found out these creatures were dolphins! The sea dogs, so there is no wonder that Riley and Morgan were such fascinated. It took the two pups a few seconds before they leaped into the cold water and swam straight out to the dolphins. It seemed like the "dogs of the land" were trying to impress the "dogs of the sea" showing them they were good swimmers too. Either way, it looks like they were enjoying a kind of a game with the beautiful dolphins. Petsfans 0065 - 3 Riley and Morgan had the chance to play with the dolphins while they were resurfacing for more air. Afterward, they had to come out to dry land after the dolphins swam too far away! Please tell us in a comment if you have ever seen pups come that close to this adorable sea creature! If this video drew a smile on your face, please SHARE it with all your friends and family on Facebook! Via Little Things