16 Reasons Why Jack Russell Isn't Your Perfect Dog Breed

Here are 16 reasons why Jack Russels aren't the friendly dogs that everyone thinks they are: 1.They Really hate water and can't stand being around it. jack-russell-happy-water 2.They hate being with you as well! jack-russell-eyes-puppy 3.YES, they hate seeing you around! eyes-face-jack-russell 4.They keep themselves busy plotting against you, they don't sleep at all! jack-russell-nap-toy 5.Look, at their hateful eyes! eyes-jack-russell-nose 6.Can't you feel it? face-cute-eyes-jack-russell 7.Seriously, there is obvious hate! beautiful-jack-russell-rest 8.They can't make friends, at all! friends-jack-russells-dogs 9.It's not in their nature! jack-russell-horses-friends 10.Here is another photo showing how unfriendly they are! many-jack-russells-puppies-family 11.They will ruin your life! jack-russell-mud-pics-dog 12.They are not funny at all! jack-russell-bubble-dog-pics 13.Don't laugh at them, they won't get it! jack-russells-sleep 14. They hate the outdoors! jack-russells-dogs-family 15.They hate playing around! dog-jack-russell-ball-play 16.Who would want a dog like this?! jumping-jack-russell-ball-pics Share this with your family and friends!