15 Reasons Why You Should Fall In Love With A Cat Lover

enhanced-31277-1442069709-2 Previously we've given you some reasons why you should date a dog owner, because they are a special kind of human.  You can read the article by clicking here.  Today we will share reasons to why it's amazing to fall in love with a cat owner. 1-Cat lovers believe that you should do your best to earn their love. enhanced-728-1442062704-8 2-When they feel love towards you, they will give you unconditional affection and loyalty. enhanced-9799-1442062904-1 3-Cat lovers can put up with a lot of your jerky moves. enhanced-3477-1442063005-1 4-Cat lovers know your needs, and put them first. enhanced-315-1442063629-6 5-OK! Sometimes they will put their own first. enhanced-10211-1442064522-1 6-Cat lovers and owners are so good at "doing nothing", and "sleeping all day." enhanced-20300-1442063777-1 7-They have a strong desire for adventure. enhanced-23231-1442063858-1 8- Cat people wake up early without using an alarm clock, their cats wake them up instead. enhanced-28886-1442064663-1 9-They always take their time when doing anything. enhanced-21533-1442065525-3 10-Because their cats sleep beside them, they are the perfect napping partner, simply because they know how to stay still in one position while sleeping. enhanced-19202-1442070490-3 11-Cat people will be shy at first, but give them a couple of hours, their real personality will shine. enhanced-10179-1442067911-13 12-They are hilarious due to their great sense of humor! enhanced-31277-1442069709-2 13-Cat people are amazingly kind, loving, and caring. enhanced-19048-1442069928-2 14-They are optimistic; they will keep your soul positive. enhanced-28640-1442070911-1 15-In addition to their amazing personality, they won't control you.  Simply their cats never allowed them to do so. enhanced-6088-1442070635-1 Whether they are cat people or dog people, pet owners are always the kindest humans.  They have huge hearts, they are very wise and patient. You should consider yourself very lucky if you own a pet. If you liked these facts, don't forget to share it now with your friends especially those who have cats.