14 pictures of Loki the vampire look-alike cat, it's awesome!

8-26-2015 2-19-19 PM We have Grumpy Cat, the famous grumpiest cat on earth, and I can tell you, the grumpy cat's owner is definitely lucky. Now we have a new cat face, she will be famous after a while, and that is Loki. Loki is the vampire cat version, and you will absolutely fall in love with her. She has fangs, and ever though it would be scary if she actually bit you, she is still the most adorable cat with those mesmerizing blue eyes. Check the 14 pictures we have of her, and tell us what you think! 1.Meet Loki, the world's look-alike vampire cat. 55d304ed99d1f 2.Loki's owner, Kaet, adopted the vampire cat from a shelter, and to be honest, I'm so thankful she did. 8-26-2015 2-14-19 PM 3.Loki the cat has vampire fangs, and it makes her look so adorable yet so frightening. 55d304ede1bcc 4.She has blue eyes, and they are just mesmerizing. 55d304ee2ef79 5.She is so gorgeous, wink wink. 55d304ee72565 6.Although it does not seem like it, she really likes cuddling and being petted. 55d304eeb4e3a 7."Let's play together!" 55d304ef047af 8.Oh god, look at those teeth! 55d304ef4c9c2 9."I'm surrounded by idiots." 55d304ef949ac 10."Please stop or I will just suck the blood out of you." 55d304efdc70e 11.Nothing important here, she is just looking out for her prey. 55d304f038ef2 12."Yes, you keep doing what you're doing human, keep doing it." 55d304f086111 13.Look how cute those two are! I'm so jealous right now. 55d304f0c5f97 14."Why did you wake me up if it's not because you put food in my bowl?" 55d304f115385 How cute is Loki the cat? A LOT, I know. Her looks are awesome especially her fangs! I wouldn't mind having one like this cat. If you want to see more of Loki's vampire pictures, check her Instagram page. Also don't forget to share these adorable/frightening pictures of Loki with your family and friends, they will fall in love with her.