12 Times Cats Shared With Us Their Hilarious Logic

9-29-2015 1-17-15 PM Cats are incredible, aren’t they? Who can’t fall deeply in love with these chubby furry four legged pets? There are a lot of cat facts known to us. No matter how many cat toys they own, your cat will keep on hiding in that card box.  They ignore their filtered gourmet pot of water and decide to drink directly from the sink. Your cat might have lots of toys, but the toe spacer and TV cables are still their favorite, they are a must-bite! So that’s what we mean by Cat logic. Here is a funny photo collection showing awesome cat logic. 1-This cat was desperate for the cat tree, and when it got it, it ended up in the damn box. enhanced-buzz-3595-1442424959-9 2-No matter how snug and comfortable their beds are, they will always sleep in unexpected cosy places. enhanced-buzz-28184-1442424828-15 3-As cat owner, I have no doubt that you've seen such sight.  You even wondered how they manged it. enhanced-buzz-4756-1442425043-7 4-Talk about loyalty and friendship… anigif_optimized-12243-1442425735-6 5-Your cat will find that the best time to play is at 7 A.M,or 3 AM. anigif_optimized-29920-1442426434-1 6-Because it feels and sounds funny. anigif_enhanced-24742-1442426480-2 7-Giving your cat friend a real nightmare. anigif_optimized-24313-1442697286-13 8-When your cat doesn't like the sound of your alarm. anigif_optimized-10310-1442426952-2 9-Beware of the escapee. anigif_optimized-24742-1442427255-11 10-Cats always choose the right place and the right time, NOT! anigif_optimized-14532-1442428342-1 11-And they are known for their endless love for Christmas trees. They're such rebels. anigif_optimized-19615-1442427388-1 12-Cat's favorite hobby. Seriously, WHY? anigif_optimized-10301-1442427873-15 Yes, maybe cats act like jerks sometime, but they will always be our favorite and beloved pets.  We forget about the crimes they committed, once we cuddle them or watch them sleeping.  If you liked the photos, don't forget to share them with your family and friends.