12 Things Dog Owners Do That May Seem Crazy To Other People!

Like any proud and loving dog owner, we will do anything to make our dogs happy and feel good. Here are 12 things we, dog owners, do in our everyday lives, that may seem odd to other people:
  1. We handle our dogs' poop!
Every dog owner handles their dog's poop all the time. Y05fZaFl
  1. We talk to our dogs in baby language!
We absolutely do that and we are pretty sure they understand what we mean. yzSLfZ7l
  1. We try to take to them even in a rational way!
"Ginger, what did I tell you! You won't have another treat before dinner, do you wanna lose your appetite or something?!" OxLxd1yl
  1. The way we play with our dogs may make us seem really crazy!
Crawling on the floor with your dog is something so ordinary! PxX9d2ol
  1. Dealing with slobbery kisses!
This is the cutest way our dogs express their love to us. It is our own way of cuddling! 4AoVgLul
  1. Sharing the bed with our dogs!
To outsiders, this may seem extremely odd! But actually we, dog owners, don't mind sharing the bed with our dogs. MUaSHMnl
  1. From time to time, you sing to your dog!
Don't you deny it! You made up a song especially for your dog! MDR0BQll
  1. The silly nicknames that you call your dog!
For example: "Luna" becomes "Luney boney". n3sTgPSl
  1. We get so upset if we are away from our dogs!
We are very affected by their absence, and when others say "don't worry, they are fine". Your answer is "YOU DON'T GET IT" ! OW7zm16l
  1. We can't resist getting something special for our best fur buddies!
You make sure your best buddy has a little surprise from time to time. Ag8ZTxjl
  1. We don't forget our dogs while ordering food at restaurants!
"I'd like unseasoned carrots, for my dog" crazy-dog-e1451273272619
  1. We love taking them with us!
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