10 signs your cat is diagnosed with cancer.

1.Weight loss. As generally known, cancer cells use a lot of energy and nutrition from cats, which will result in weight loss. shutterstock_241062304 2.Sleeping a lot or losing interest.. Cats are known to sleep a lot, but when they wake up from their endless naps, they always play with you. If you notice that your cat had been sleeping a lot lately and lost interest in playing, you might need to contact a vet. shutterstock_194203841 3.Lumps. Lumps are the easiest and most obvious way to detect cancer, although not all lumps are dangerous, it's better to be safe than sorry. Lumps can be anywhere on the body, and they can grow really quickly or really slowly. shutterstock_60591379 4.Bad breath smell. Although our cats' breath normally smells bad, it can get worse, and that would be a sign of cancer. So if you find your cat's breath really bad, you might need to contact a vet, and hopefully, it would just need cleaning. shutterstock_29574496 5.Lameness. Cancer is painful; there is no doubt in that. But it's more painful if it's a tumor in a bone tissue, which would definitely cause sudden lameness. shutterstock_177833207 6.Wounds that don't heal. If your cat is diagnosed with cancer, cancer will go for the immune system. It's not usual for cats' wounds to stay long, not healed. If you noticed that, go to the vet as soon as possible. shutterstock_161352086 7.Difficulty in breathing. As tumors often grown in our lungs or just squeeze against the lungs, it makes it more difficult for cats to breathe. If you noticed any panting and irregular breathing, contact a vet immediately. shutterstock_59771998 8.Less eating. You might need to contact a vet as quick as possible if you noticed your cat's loss of appetite. It might not be cancer, but it also might be other diseases. shutterstock_144169996 9.Swollen chest or abdomen. If you noticed your cat's chest or abdomen is enlarged or distended, then your cat needs veterinary care. It could mean that something dangerous is growing inside. shutterstock_68351932 10.Diarrhea and Vomiting. Vomiting and diarrhea is a common thing between cats and it can be caused by almost anything. If vomiting and diarrhea lasted for a long period, then you need to see a vet. shutterstock_153868574