10 Hilarious Signs You're That Dog Perfect Owner

  Rupert Fawcett is the creative director  of Off The Leash, said “I get my Off The Leash ideas from knowing dogs’ characters well and using my imagination and also observing other people’s dogs,” The following are some of Fawcett's cartoons. 1.When your dog comes first, before anyone else! 1-12072820_895503150525890_3800113031721309833_n 2.When you treat your dog like your little kids! 2-12079981_893003160775889_7890756122600171984_o-1024x1016 3.When you dogs take up all your bed! 3-12039514_890934704316068_1522877353092289495_n 4.When your schedules are focused on spending time with your dog. 4-12045508_890692511006954_2860811860672052490_o-1024x1024 5.When you allow your dog to have the best lounging spots. 5-12027290_887656471310558_8592166721749537904_o-1024x1001 6.When you are okay with the disappearance of rules! 6-11713731_858576327551906_8035235619048901505_o-1024x984 7.When your dog becomes your own therapist. 7-11722117_858302090912663_8937606217824246607_o-1024x997 8.When your dog's hair become your new brand. 8-11707949_858299580912914_4749460932493114187_o-1024x984 9.When you feel guilty leaving your dog! 9-11403159_858272927582246_8730090534834314161_n 10.When you are willing to do anything for the happiness of your dog! 10-11737870_858272164248989_1891728032682905559_n I think every one of us, will find themselves in one of the situations mentioned above, if not all of them.  We all make sure our dogs are happy, safe and enjoying good health! Share these hilarious photos with your family and friends, leave us a comment on our Facebook page telling us which one of the mentioned situations do you do?